113 posts

freeze dried Rolos

Freeze dried Rolos

We love Rolos, and I'm guessing freeze dried Rolos will be AWESOME! I'm excited for this one :) Hubby found bags of already unwrapped Rolos, if you can believe that! So for our freeze dried Rolos, the time spent getting them prepped will be cut down so so much having [...]
freeze dried Snickers

Freeze dried Snickers

I've heard about freeze dried Snickers from more than one person... So let's give them a try! I bought a bunch of Fun Size Snickers to use for this. Probably the only time the fun sized ones will actually be fun, lol. Like other candies, I did Candy Mode on [...]
freeze dried Lemonheads

Freeze dried Lemonheads

Freeze dried Lemonheads might be just like regular Lemonheads, haha. Not sure what they'll do, but I'm curious. The Lemonheads went into the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) with Sugar Babies and Red Hots. I didn't do anything special to them. They just went on trays ad then [...]
freeze dried Red Hots

Freeze dried Red Hots

Hmmm... freeze dried Red Hots. Now that they're in, I'm thinking nope. Funny, it only took about 5 minutes for me to think these probably won't work. So, yeah. I'm now thinking these will probably be a lot like the Twizzlers, and do absolutely nothing, lol. They're kid of the [...]
freeze dried mango and kiwi

Freeze dried mango

Everyone says freeze dried mango is awesome - we shall see! Can't wait for this one!! Lots and lots of people have told me I absolutely HAVE to try freeze dried mango. So ok, let's do it! I actually didn't purchase enough mango to make it the entire batch, so [...]
chili mac using totally rad chili recipe

Chili Mac

I promise, this chili mac is awesome! It's super good chili mac, especially if you start with our Totally Rad Chili recipe! The entire family 100% approves of this recipe :) **NOTE: This recipe assumes you have already made the chili!! Chili Mac Not the yucky kind... this chili mac [...]