113 posts

freeze dried Peeps

Freeze dried Peeps

I hope freeze dried Peeps are good, because I don't like them normally, lol. Seriously, Peeps are so meh, so I hope they're better like this! I am very hopeful that freeze dried Peeps will be better than normal ones. I am doing both the Peeps chicks and the bunnies. [...]
Freeze dried Twizzlers

Freeze dried Twizzlers

Let's try freeze dried Twizzlers! I really like Twizzlers, so lets see how they are freeze dried! I read online that they will be nice and crunchy. Then someone on X (formerly Twitter) said if she remembers right, they do nothing. Since I dig them anyway, I'm excited to try [...]
freeze dried Skittles, which we call Brittles

Freeze dried Skittles

Freeze dried Skittles are awesome, so I'm making more :) We call freeze dried Skittles by a different name - BRITTLES! Skittles is trade marked, hence renaming them Brittles. We do plan to sell some, so had to come up with a new name :) I've made freeze dried Skittles [...]
blueberry hummingbird nectar

Blueberry Hummingbird Nectar

Blueberry hummingbird nectar is the absolute best!! This blueberry hummingbird nectar recipe is super simple and takes very little time and effort. Plus, the birds love it! Blueberry Hummingbird Nectar This awesome blueberry hummingbird nectar is absolutely loved by these cute little birds! Pot 3 cups water 1 cup white [...]