I freeze dried grapes because I was curious, lol I love grapes, and so do our chickens, so I decided to try freeze drying some:) This time, I just wanted to keep emptying out my freezer. I had sliced apples, some random bags of blueberries, and some grapes I had [...]
113 posts
Totally amazed how well the freeze dried raw eggs came out! Freeze drying raw eggs is awesome for so so many reasons... So here we are, at our 16th freeze dryer batch, and we're doing raw eggs! This is so cool.. super space saver - a few small jars takes [...]
Freeze dried peas.. I use peas in lots of different things, so this rocks! So much easier to store freeze dried peas and of course, frees up space in my freezer!! Just like with the freeze dried corn, I used bags of frozen peas for this. They took just as [...]
Freeze dried corn is a great snack as-is or can be added to soups and things! I'm really stoked with how the freeze dried corn turned out! For this batch, I got four bags of frozen corn at the store. I don't have any corn of my own at the [...]
Freeze dried ground beef, chili, dog treats and onions - this is a mishmash of stuff! Yep, this one is a mix of things, haha :) So excited to do freeze dried ground beef, chili, and dog treats!!! I had about a pound of ground beef, about the same of [...]
Fruit time!!! Freeze dried apples and blueberries are fantastic! This one is exciting, because I LOVE fruits of all kinds! For this one, I already had some blueberries in the freezer, and then I got a bunch of apples on sale. And after making some apple butter (recipe here) and [...]
Homemade freeze dried vegetable bullion is so much better than I imagined! The making of veggie mush for freeze dried vegetable bullion Our 11th batch, how exciting!!! This one took a while to get situated, as I first had to make vegetable mash. I don't like to waste food and [...]
Oh yeah, this is the good stuff, freeze dried candy! I'm going to be honest here, it did not all work properly, lol I used the Ice Queen freeze dryer (which you know is really the Harvest Right Home Pro Medium one) to make several different types of freeze dried [...]
I honestly didn't know freeze dried candy was a big thing until maybe 2 weeks ago, lol. And since it is so cool, here's how to set up Candy Mode on the Harvest Right Home Pro Freeze Dryer - WOOHOO! Before even bothering to try this, you have to make [...]
Freeze dried onions eliminate the need to take up my freezer space! I use onions all the time, so I really wanted to freeze dry a bunch of them. There were some shallots thrown in there too.. don't want to forget about those little guys:) In this freeze dryer batch, [...]