Freeze spiral ham - very awesome meat!!! Total wasn't sure how well some spiral ham work freeze dry. But I was pleasantly surprised, which is always awesome!! For the serial ham, I already had it in the freezer, so it did go in pre-frozen. I also tried to slice it [...]
Freeze Drying
70 posts
You know what freeze dried ice cream is? SPACE ICE CREAM!!!! Yeah, baby, let's make some space ice cream!! Freeze dried ice cream is also called astronaut ice cream, but I think space ice cream sounds better :) While we have done ice cream sandwiches before (read about that here), [...]
Yep, freeze dried Jolly Ranchers take two. Lol. It's all about the size this time! That's right, this time we cut the Jolly Ranchers in half! I thought it was going to be difficult, but using a set of those medical scissors that can cut a penny in half makes [...]
Oh yeah, let's try some freeze dried Nerds Gummy Clusters! Our kiddo loves Nerds Gummy Clusters, so I hope these are good lol Honestly, hubby and I had never even tried these normally before this. So, we tried them as they are normally and they're pretty darn good! So crunchy [...]
Time for freeze dried fresh peaches! The canned peaches were so good, we wanted to try fresh :) We decided it was time to make freeze dried fresh peaches since the freeze dried canned peaches were so incredible! I didn't get very many fresh peaches, as there weren't tons of [...]
Freeze dried flavored mini marshmallows - not sure how I feel about these yet, lol So I really like mini marshmallows.. but these..? Not so sure about these. Marshmallows are kind of weird when they're flavored. Not sure why, but they just don't hit the same, haha. Like with the [...]
I've been told freeze dried peaches are awesome, so let's find out! I love peaches! For the freeze dried canned peaches, all I have is peaches I canned myself, so that's what I'm using. Just testing it out on two jars to start. If we like them, I'll freeze dry [...]
We love Rolos, and I'm guessing freeze dried Rolos will be AWESOME! I'm excited for this one :) Hubby found bags of already unwrapped Rolos, if you can believe that! So for our freeze dried Rolos, the time spent getting them prepped will be cut down so so much having [...]
I've heard about freeze dried Snickers from more than one person... So let's give them a try! I bought a bunch of Fun Size Snickers to use for this. Probably the only time the fun sized ones will actually be fun, lol. Like other candies, I did Candy Mode on [...]
Been told more than once to try freeze dried Jolly Ranchers, so... Here we go!! Got a bunch of Jolly Ranchers, so I hope they really are awesome! Like other candies, I did Candy Mode on the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) for this. I spaced them out [...]