Not sure freeze dried Sugar Babies will be any different than usual... But let's give them a shot anyway, lol. I really like Sugar Babies. They're one of those candies that I usually forget about. But then when I randomly see them and buy some, I remember just how much [...]
Freeze Drying
70 posts
Freeze dried Lemonheads might be just like regular Lemonheads, haha. Not sure what they'll do, but I'm curious. The Lemonheads went into the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) with Sugar Babies and Red Hots. I didn't do anything special to them. They just went on trays ad then [...]
Hmmm... freeze dried Red Hots. Now that they're in, I'm thinking nope. Funny, it only took about 5 minutes for me to think these probably won't work. So, yeah. I'm now thinking these will probably be a lot like the Twizzlers, and do absolutely nothing, lol. They're kid of the [...]
Woohoo!! Another full meal - freeze dried chili mac, here we come! :) We love chili and we love macaroni.. chili mac was an absolute must to have in our freeze dried storage! For this, I made a huge batch of my Totally Rad Chili, then turned it into my [...]
O.M.G. freeze dryer power outage in the middle of a batch! This has never happened to us before, and I'm shook, lol. Ok, so I had mango and kiwi in the Ice Queen (which is really a Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) and the dang power went out! To be [...]
Everyone says freeze dried mango is awesome - we shall see! Can't wait for this one!! Lots and lots of people have told me I absolutely HAVE to try freeze dried mango. So ok, let's do it! I actually didn't purchase enough mango to make it the entire batch, so [...]
I really hope freeze dried Junior Mints are amazing! OMG are they done yet??? I absolutely LOVE Junior Mints. I very much like Bit-O-Honey and Milk Duds as well, but not nearly as much as Junior Mints, lol. I really hope these come out light and crispy and awesome. I [...]
I'm guessing freeze dried Milk Duds will be super delicious! I'm ready to eat them now, lol. Much like Bit-O-Honey, I love Milk Duds aside from it getting stuck in the teeth and stuff. So having crunchy ones is probably going to be rad! I've seen photos of these and [...]
I want these freeze dried potatoes to be like French fries, lol. Not sure they'll be like fries, but I can still hope For this, I used white potatoes, didn't peel them, just cleaned them really well. I chopped them into sticks, a big julienne chopping. I'm hoping they'll be [...]
I like cheese, so I'm guessing I'll like freeze dried cheese, lol. Freeze dried cheese is one I've wanted to do for a while... Simply because it has so many uses! I have learned a lot about it on X (formerly Twitter). Some of the uses I've heard of include: [...]