Was curious how frozen spinach would turn out... So I got bags of frozen spinach on super sale, so why not freeze dry them? Freeze dried frozen spinach.. I'm so interested to see how this turns out. I use spinach in all sorts of things.. dips, soups, eggs, etc. I [...]
Freeze Drying
70 posts
I've not yet done carrots on their own.. So lets make some freeze dried sliced carrots! The carrots I used for this were already frozen, I got bags of frozen veggies on super sale, so I bought several different things. I have freeze dried carrots before, but only in a [...]
I've done apples, now it's time for pears! Got some super sweet pears, so I'm guessing they'll be awesome! I was actually given these pears all sliced up and pre-frozen by my in-laws! They really liked the first apples we gave them, so they wanted to try some pears :) [...]
Freeze dried lemon slices just to have around, lol I really had no major reason for doing these, other than to have some around for summer drinks and things. I don't always have fresh lemons around, and sometimes I do want a slice of lemon in a drink or something. [...]
Pineapple rocks, so I'm excited to try freeze dried fresh pineapple! I'm pretty sure this is just gonna be amazing :) I wanted to try freeze dried fresh pineapple so that later, I can compare it to freeze dried canned pineapple. I'm guessing there won't be much difference, but I'm [...]
Freeze dried strawberries? Yes, please:) So excited - and I can't wait to turn the tops into freeze dried strawberry powder, too! Strawberries are good just as they are, so I can't wait to try them freeze dried! Aside from just making freeze dried strawberries, I also plan to make [...]
Apples are good & molasses is good.. freeze dried apples with molasses should be awesome! Wanted to do this as a little treat, hope it turns out well Hoping freeze dried apples with molasses are super yummy!!! I already had apples all chopped up and frozen, so I put them [...]
Freeze dryer oil changes are super easy! We have the Premier Oil Pump, so we change the oil every 20-30 batches Every 20 to 30 batches isn't bad for a freeze dryer oil change! Other pumps have different requirements when it comes to oil changes, so make sure you follow [...]
I think freeze dried celery is going to be rad! Having shelf stable celery is going to be great! I've seen a few people make freeze dried celery, and I am excited to jump in, too! I often forget to buy celery, or it ends up going bad when I [...]
The family loves chili, so it's going to be awesome to have more! Freeze dried chili - woohoo! I'm really excited about this! I did make some freeze dried chili before (check it out here). But when I did it before, it wasn't much because everyone ate it all before [...]