Love me some mandarins, so why not have freeze dried mandarins? Let's get this party started! I've read various things about freeze dried mandarins and other citrus. Seems to be very hit or miss. So I figured I'd give it a go and see. I peeled 6 pounds of mandarins, [...]
Freeze Drying
70 posts
I was told freeze dried mushrooms are awesome... ... we shall see!! People have said freeze dried mushrooms are great, so I'm giving it a shot! When it comes to mushrooms, I'm the only one in the house who likes them, so I don't get to use them often. But [...]
Hasn't this been done already? Yes, lol. I use bell peppers and onions a ton! I have freeze dried bell peppers and onions before - you can read the writeup right here. There is a difference though. I did pre-freeze everything the first time. This time, I did not. Let's [...]
And some wine berries:) Freeze dried mixed berries... yum! I like all kinds of berries and I had some wine berries frozen that I picked a few months ago, along with part of a bag of mixed berries. So I decided to freeze dry them. I might turn them into [...]
Excited to try freeze dried kiwi! I love kiwi, so I hope this is awesome! For the prep, I peeled the kiwi - I just use a regular hand veggie peeler, lol. Then I sliced them up as evenly as I could. I ended up eating quite a bit, too, [...]
I've heard freeze dried bananas are awesome, so let's find out! I am not really a fan of banana chips, like in a dehydrator... so I really hope the freeze dried banana isn't like that, hahahaha! I sliced the bananas as evenly as I could before putting them on the [...]
Freeze dried baked beans - because why waste things, right? We had quite a few cans of baked beans about to go bad... So it's time to put them in the Ice Queen! For this batch, I actually did three trays of these baked beans, one and a half trays [...]
Green olives (which are a fruit) are in the Ice Queen! Someone on the internet said freeze dried green olives are good.. so I'm trying it lol No better reason than that to give something a try, right? hahaha. We actually had a jar in the pantry that was getting [...]
Excited to try freeze dried pickled shredded carrots! Why freeze dry the pickled shredded carrots? I really like them, straight out of the jar. So I wanted to see if they'd come out of the freeze dryer super crunchy and ready to be an awesome salad topper! For the shredded [...]
Pickles, really? Lol. Yeah. Why freeze dry pickles? I really just wanted to see how they would turn out and give them a try. Pickle chips sounds really good to me, so I wanted to see if freeze dried pickles would be sort of like chips. I used my own [...]