Food & Garden

Food & Garden

We’re always looking to add more items to what we can grow or harvest from our property. Finding free food and gardening even more food can definitely be challenging! Follow along with us as we learn to make our farm, food, and garden grow!!

Some of the foods we harvest are just naturally here, like black walnuts and wineberries. Some we plant and grow ourselves, like tomatoes, corn, melons, and other things. Some we try to plant and nothing grows (ha!).

We’re always looking for more ways to give ourselves food with plenty of extra to share with family (and sell if we can). As we go through the process of making our farm more viable, follow along with us and learn with us!

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food & garden, fresh produce

Food & Garden

We’re always looking to add more items to what we can grow or harvest from our property. Finding free food and gardening even more food can definitely be challenging! Follow along with us as we learn to make our farm, food, and garden grow!!

Some of the foods we harvest are just naturally here, like black walnuts and wineberries. Some we plant and grow ourselves, like tomatoes, corn, melons, and other things. Some we try to plant and nothing grows (ha!).

We’re always looking for more ways to give ourselves food with plenty of extra to sell. As we go through the process of making our farm more viable, follow along with us and learn with us!

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Pickled Green Tomatoes

Let's make pickled green tomatoes! This recipe can be water bath canned, it is acidic. But as always, if there's ever any doubt about how you plan to process food, check out the National Center for Home Food Preservation. Pickled Green Tomatoes Super quick and simple, absolutely delicious, great way to handle those green tomatoes [...]

Harvest and Save Cucumber Seeds

Learn how to harvest and save cucumber seeds! Learning to harvest and save cucumber seeds is totally worth it. As with harvesting anything from the garden that can be used next season, you won't have to buy more, heirloom seeds are in high demand, and the best part... it's free! The steps are pretty simple. [...]

Harvesting Black Walnuts

Oh, the joy of harvesting black walnuts! Just kidding, harvesting black walnuts is quite a pain. But it is so worth it! Black walnuts are extremely flavorful. Much more so than their English cousins. They are fantastic for baking! How to harvest & process black walnuts First things first: gather them all up! I know, [...]