I’ve heard freeze dried bananas are awesome, so let’s find out!
I am not really a fan of banana chips, like in a dehydrator…
so I really hope the freeze dried banana isn’t like that, hahahaha!
I sliced the bananas as evenly as I could before putting them on the trays. I did pre-freeze these, along with the other things I did. This batch contained two trays of the sliced banana, two trays of sliced kiwi, and one tray with half wine berries and half mixed berries.
Everything sat in the freezer for about 6 hours and then I put it all into the Ice Queen freeze dryer (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium).
I’m super curious to see if these are better than dehydrated. I know hubby will like them no matter what, but I might not.

I think these bananas are awesome!
They’re so good! Hubby says he prefers banana chips, like the dehydrated ones, because they’re crunchier. But I like these much better!
After the banana was finished, hubby and I ate a few, and then put the rest in jars. I then added the oxygen absorbers (I use Wallaby ones because I like the way they’re packaged and they’ve always worked well for me), then I sealed them up. As I mentioned before, I now have two of these handheld rechargeable jar vacuum sealers lol. I know you can get bigger ones that I’ve seen people do 4 or 5 jars at a time in, but those are pretty big and take up counter space. Space we just don’t have.
And.. how long did the freeze dried banana take?
The banana, kiwi, wine berries, and mixed fruit all seemed to need about the same amount of time. Total time for this batch ended up being 18 hours and 20 minutes.
The freeze drier needed to defrost after this batch. So I had it do the usual 2 hours and then emptied the 5 gallon bucket. I like to empty it about every 3 batches, at most. That way it’s not too heavy and I don’t slosh water all over the floor, lol.
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried bananas are awesome!! So so good
Hubby says he likes the banana chips better, like dehydrated ones that are super crunchy, but he’s wrong.pic.twitter.com/T8vOO8DhFt
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) January 26, 2024