I’ve been told freeze dried peaches are awesome, so let’s find out!
I love peaches!
For the freeze dried canned peaches, all I have is peaches I canned myself, so that’s what I’m using. Just testing it out on two jars to start. If we like them, I’ll freeze dry the rest. I decided to go with my plain peaches in super light syrup and leave my peaches with cinnamon for another day.
I did cut some of the pieces from my jar smaller.. I had some really big slices in there, lol. I did the peaches with some kiwi (read about FD kiwi here) and apples (read about FD apples here). Once all cut up the way I wanted, I put it in the freezer to pre-freeze. I waited about a day before putting it into the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium).
I think these are going to be awesome! They’re super good right out of the jar, even hubby says so! That makes me think they’ll be incredible freeze dried

These are amazing!
Oh yeah, freeze dried canned peaches rock! I can’t wait until they start showing up at farmers markets around here and I can do fresh peaches!!
After freeze drying, I was going to bag these to sell, but decided against it. Hubby and I dig them so much, we’re just going to keep this batch for ourselves, lol.
How long did the freeze dried canned peaches take?
These took about 26 hours. The machine thought they were done at around 21 hours, but they were very much not done, ha! This happens sometimes. Each freeze dryer is a little different and each has its own quirks. This is due in part to location, humidity, house temp, etc, etc, etc. Tons of things can make them be a bit wonky every now and then.
But these were super good, totally worth the time! Next time I do peaches, I will do the entire batch of just peaches, no other fruits. That way, we’ll be able to keep some and sell some, instead of just keeping them all, ha!
Happy freeze drying!!

So our canned peaches came out awesome!! We decided to just keep these and snack on them ourselves
Next time we’ll make lots more so we do end up with some to sell… maybe. Lol. pic.twitter.com/T5p4mQpTjg
— Buck Hills Farm (@BuckHillsFarm) June 1, 2024