I want to try freeze dried cantaloupe 
Not sure if it’ll be good, but trying it out doesn’t hurt.
I love a good cantaloupe, and so do our chickens. So I figured it would be cool to make some freeze dried cantaloupe to see how it is. If it’s not super awesome to just eat freeze dried, then I can always reconstitute it for our feathered friends, lol.
I did pre-freeze the cantaloupe, had one tray of it. I also had two trays of pineapple, and two trays of apples. The Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) did her 15 minute cooldown, then I put everything in.
We shall see… I hope it’s yummy!

I’m not overwhelmed with love, but the cantaloupe is alright.
The freeze dried cantaloupe is just ok. It was pretty ripe, but I probably could have let it sit and ripen a few more days; then maybe it would have been better. Just wasn’t super flavorful, so it’s kind of boring. I don’t not like it, but definitely don’t love it nearly as much as some other things.
I didn’t have tons of cantaloupe, so I just put it in a jar with a reusable lid. I’ll just eat it over the next week or two, so no need to store it for long term
How long did freeze dried cantaloupe take?
Total time for the cantaloupe, pineapple, and apples was 44 hours and 19 minutes (and zero seconds, which is interesting, lol).
So… not sure I’ll spend tons of time on cantaloupe in the future. However, I will definitely do it at least one more time with a super duper ripe one. See if maybe that makes it way better.
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried cantaloupe and freeze dried pineapple! The pineapple is awesome, but we knew that already lol. The cantaloupe is ok. Maybe it would be better if I’d let it get super duper ripe? I dunno. Not really worth it unless extra ripe makes a huge difference
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) April 2, 2024