Freeze dried corn is a great snack as-is or can be added to soups and things!
I’m really stoked with how the freeze dried corn turned out!
For this batch, I got four bags of frozen corn at the store. I don’t have any corn of my own at the moment. Not to mention it’s winter, so I couldn’t grow any right now even if I wanted to lol.
I just poured the frozen corn onto the Ice Queen freeze dryer (I know, it’s really a Harvest Right Home Pro Medium freeze dryer, but I like my name better). Then I did my best to make sure there weren’t too many stuck together, and that they were in pretty even layers.
Obviously, since it was frozen corn, it was frozen when it went it, ha!

So.. this corn is super yummo!!
I was really surprised how good freeze dried corn is to just eat plain! That wasn’t something I had really considered with the corn. Fruits, yes. Corn, no. But it is absolutely delicious! So before I put it in jars, I did pull a little out to snack on:)
I put these into mason jars with oxygen absorbers, and sealed them with a jar vacuum sealer (I have two of these: Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer I’ve tried another one and did not like it at all). Then I put the jars on my shelf!
So how long did it take to freeze dry the corn… hmm?
The freeze dried corn took 13 hours and 15 minutes in total to finish.
Had to let Ice Queen defrost afterwards, which takes about 2 hours. Well, the process runs for two hours, sometimes I supposed it could be done before that’s up, but I’ve ever really checked, lol.
Happy freeze drying!!