Freeze dried flavored mini marshmallows

Freeze dried flavored mini marshmallows – not sure how I feel about these yet, lol

So I really like mini marshmallows.. but these..?

Not so sure about these. Marshmallows are kind of weird when they’re flavored. Not sure why, but they just don’t hit the same, haha.

Like with the normal mini marshmallows, I used the Candy Mode the Ice Queen has (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium). In Candy Mode, the freeze dryer takes 15 minutes to cool down for the first load, then you put the candy (or flavored mini marshmallows in this case) in and start it up.

I skipped the warm trays piece, hoping they wouldn’t super expand. However, these did.. oops! There’s a video of it at the end of this post, so check it out if you want to see what happened, lmao!

flavored mini marshmallows in the bag
flavored mini marshmallows on freeze dryer trays

They got a bit bigger, but thankfully went back down 🙂

These freeze dried flavored mini marshmallows came out a lot like normal ones. They did get a bit bigger though. Our normal marshmallows didn’t do that… they stayed the same size throughout the entire process.

How long did these flavored marshmallows take?

These took three hours. That’s pretty much the standard for most candies, so I was expecting it.

With the way these did puff up really big at first, there was quite a bit more cleanup with them than with other things. They poofed up enough to hit the tops of each rack, which means there’s marshmallow gunk on each rack top, ha. Cleaning things like this can usually be done pretty easily with just warm water and a good dish rag.

I ran two batches of these, one right after another, no need to defrost between. After both batches, I left it alone to defrost naturally. There still wasn’t much ice build up, so it didn’t take too long. I didn’t want to bother running the defrost since I knew it would finish on its own before I needed to use the machine again.

Happy freeze drying!!

flavored mini marshmallows in freeze dryer
freeze dried flavored mini marshmallows

mini marshmallows in the Ice Queen freeze dryer

freeze dried flavored mini marshmallows