Was curious how frozen spinach would turn out…

So I got bags of frozen spinach on super sale, so why not freeze dry them?
Freeze dried frozen spinach.. I’m so interested to see how this turns out. I use spinach in all sorts of things.. dips, soups, eggs, etc. I don’t always have fresh spinach on hand, so I figured this would be awesome if it works out well!
This batch was all frozen veggies, so of course everything was pre-frozen. I had two trays of the frozen spinach, one tray of frozen corn, one tray of frozen carrot slices, and one tray of frozen green beans (done these with mixed veggies before). After the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) did her 15 minute cooldown to start, I started the batch.
The freeze dried frozen spinach turned out perfectly!
Of course, now I want to do fresh spinach.. but I suppose if I pre-freeze it, it’ll be just like frozen. So it’s probably exactly the same, lol.
I put all the freeze dried spinach into a half gallon mason jar, then I added an oxygen absorber and vacuum sealed it shut tight. I get my oxygen absorbers on Amazon from Wallaby, I just dig this brand because they’ve always worked for me. And then I used this is the Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer I have two of, lol – cheap and they work.
How long did the freeze dried frozen spinach take?
So this was in with some other frozen veggies, I needed to fill out the trays (don’t start the freeze dryer with empty trays or missing trays.. that is a no-no).
In total, this batch ran for 30 hours and 45 minutes. Technically, 30 hours, 44 minutes, and 27 seconds.. just one of the times I happened to snap a photo so I know exactly, ha! Anyway, not bad for a ton of veggies! I’m super happy with this entire batch
Needed the defrost after this, so I did the usual two hours, then left the door cracked open to let it finish any icy spots left and air out.
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried spinach! This was frozen spinach I got on sale last weekend. I use spinach for dips, add it to egg burritos and stews and things, so this will definitely come in handy when I’m out of the fresh stuff
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) March 21, 2024