Love me some mandarins, so why not have freeze dried mandarins?
Let’s get this party started!
I’ve read various things about freeze dried mandarins and other citrus. Seems to be very hit or miss. So I figured I’d give it a go and see. I peeled 6 pounds of mandarins, keeping the peels to freeze dry as well. I’m hoping I can powder it like I did with the apple peels and scraps. The apple scraps made absolutely amazing freeze dried apple powder!
All the mandarins and peels were pre-frozen. I started the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium), and after the 15 minute cool down it does, I put everything in.
I’m really hoping these turn out awesome and I’m able to easily powder the peels! Having a citrus powder I can add to teas and drinks for a kick of vitamin C and antioxidants would be so rad! Plus, citrus peels also have anti-inflammatory properties and some other health benefits that I can’t remember right now, lol.

Welp, I could have done things a bit differently.. lol
So I just put the mandarin slices straight into the freeze dryer, without doing anything special. What I should have done is slice the back of each one open prior to putting them in. That way, they could have more quickly dried. Since I didn’t do that, this took forever! And I did end up having to slice the backs anyway, I just did it after they had been in the thing for over 24 hours. Sigh.. but now I know, haha!
As usual, I put the mandarins (and citrus powder, read about that below) into jars with oxygen absorbers and then vacuum sealed them. I get my oxygen absorbers on Amazon from Wallaby, great value for the price! And this is the Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer I have. The vacuum sealers easily fit in a drawer (I have two lol), which is important for me.
How long did the freeze dried mandarins take?
For freaking EVER since I didn’t slice the pieces first, hahaha! These took a solid 48 hours, if you can believe that! Next time I will slice before putting them in instead of doing it half way through:)
Did the two hour defrost after this batch, it needed it after all that, ha!

Freeze dried citrus powder came out great!
Seriously, I am super super thrilled with this! It could not have com out any better! It’s super potent, which is wonderful – I had hubby just smell it and he was like woah, that’s super citrusy, lol.
To powder it, I just put it in my Nutri Ninja (I actually have this, the
Ninja Blender with Nutri Ninja Cups) and it blended up splendidly! I got three full half pint jars and a bit extra out of it. I did seal the three full jars with oxygen absorbers, but didn’t bother with the little bit extra. I plan to use that soon.
I am really loving how many different things I can turn into powders to use! So much fun!!
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried mandarins are done! Had to slice the backs of all the pieces.. which I did after more than 24 hours had gone by. I didn’t think about it.. next time I will do the slicing before I even pre-freeze
they’re super good though! Powdering the peels also turned out great!
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) February 6, 2024