Everyone says freeze dried mango is awesome – we shall see!
Can’t wait for this one!!
Lots and lots of people have told me I absolutely HAVE to try freeze dried mango. So ok, let’s do it! I actually didn’t purchase enough mango to make it the entire batch, so I added some kiwi as well. I have freeze dried kiwi in the past, and it’s really good. Plus, I’d love to be able to add it to our inventory for the market!
I cut the mango in small(ish) pieces. The only thing I dislike about mango is how huge the pit is. No fruit should have a pit that takes up almost half the size of the fruit, lol. Anyway, chopped it up and put it on the freeze dryer trays in a single layer.
Once everything was chopped up, I put it in the freezer to pre-freeze. I waited about a day before putting it into the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium). I’m excited about this batch – can’t wait to try the mango!

Can’t believe I waited so long to do this!
Freeze dried mango is freaking awesome! As with other things, freeze drying really brings out the flavor in the pieces of mango. Makes them taste even better than normal, which is not an easy thing to do, in my opinion. I definitely recommend running a batch of mango through the freeze dryer
How long did the freeze dried mango take?
So… I’m not 100% sure. My guess is somewhere between 18 and 24 hours, like other similar fruits I’ve done. Why don’t I know? Welp, the power went out during the main drying phase, lol.
The machine did pick right back up after the power outage, but it loses the time it’s been running. For more information on our personal experience having a power outage while freeze drying, check out our post freeze dryer power outage. That post has some photos and more information in general.
Happy freeze drying!!