Freeze dried mini marshmallows

Freeze dried mini marshmallows – YUM!

I think freeze dried mini marshmallows will be like the charms in Lucky Charms!

Let’s see how freeze dried mini marshmallows taste 🙂

Not sure if marshmallows are really considered candy, but I’m going to freeze dry them like candy, lol. And I’m assuming they’ll be like the charms in Lucky Charms, or like the marshmallows that come in some hot chocolate mixes. We shall see…

Like with the freeze dried Skittles, I used the Candy Mode the Ice Queen has (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium). In Candy Mode, the freeze dryer takes 15 minutes to cool down for the first load, then you put the candy (or mini marshmallows) in and start it up. For the marshmallows, I didn’t want them to get insanely big and explode or anything, so I skipped the Warm Trays step.

bag of mini marshmallows
mini marshmallows on freeze dryer tray

They came out just as I expected:)

Freeze dried mini marshmallows are crunchy and good. They do taste like I was expecting. So now I have the yummy marshmallows that go great in hot chocolate!! This means I can add as many as I want instead of sticking to the very few they put in hot chocolate bags, lol.

I ran these for three hours like with other candies. I’m doing a batch of Peeps next, so I didn’t bother defrosting. When it comes to candy, the freeze dryer does not need to be defrosted after each batch. Just keep an eye on the ice accumulating on the sides and only defrost when necessary.

Happy freeze drying!!

freeze dried mini marshmallows