Freeze dried Nerds Gummy Clusters

Oh yeah, let’s try some freeze dried Nerds Gummy Clusters!

Our kiddo loves Nerds Gummy Clusters, so I hope these are good lol

Honestly, hubby and I had never even tried these normally before this. So, we tried them as they are normally and they’re pretty darn good! So crunchy ones, I think, are going to be absolutely fantastic!

For these, I spread them out quite a bit, as they’ll probably at least double in size once they go into the machine. I did candy mode on the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) for these.

These should be really awesome! Who doesn’t love a good crunch, right?

Nerds Gummy Clusters
Nerds Gummy Clusters on freeze dryer trays

Oh wow, these took FOREVER! But so so worth it! 🙂

Freeze dried Nerds Gummy Clusters..? YES, PLEASE! These things are freaking awesome!! I ended up having to google quite a bit on these, as they kept just not being done. I was getting really frustrated, as some folks said they took just 3 to 6 hours. Then I finally found some that did take forever, big sigh of relief for me lol.

So these are amazingly light and crunchy! Hubby and I super dig them, so we will be making more soon for sure. Definitely plan to sell them as well, and I think they’ll do really well at market!

Ok, so how long is a really long time for these?

Oh my goodness, it’s crazy! These took a solid 16 hours to get all of them to be fully dry and crunchy – I was totally shocked! Every freeze dryer is different, and works differently inside, just in terms of tray slots and whatnot. Our bottom tray slot never dries as quickly as the others.

For these, I did cancel out the drying and move the trays around several times over the 16 hour period. That helped a lot to make sure they all finished up properly. It’s also insanely humid here at the moment. Humidity inside the house can make a huge difference in terms of how long things take to fully freeze dry. So taking those things into account, we’re good with how long these took.

The humidity thing is a big factor for sure – we’re even having to up the hours on other candies, like Skittles. Freeze drying Skittles took us almost 6 hours with the current weather, instead of the usual 2-3 hours. Just something interesting to keep in mind when freeze drying during the summer 🙂

Happy freeze drying!!

Nerds Gummy Clusters freeze dried and packaged up
freeze dried Nerds Gummy Clusters