I’ve done apples, now it’s time for pears!
Got some super sweet pears, so I’m guessing they’ll be awesome!
I was actually given these pears all sliced up and pre-frozen by my in-laws! They really liked the first apples we gave them, so they wanted to try some pears
This batch was two trays of the sliced pears, some fresh pineapple, kiwi, and some lemon slices. After the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) did her 15 minute cooldown to start, I started the batch.
I am 100% sure these will just be awesome. Freeze dried apples are fantastic, so I can’t see any way pears would not also be good, lol.
The pears are a win!
Freeze dried pears are most definitely excellent! These were pretty sweet, and I really enjoyed them.
I put all the freeze dried pears into a half gallon mason jar (saving a few out to eat of course). Then I added an oxygen absorber and vacuum sealed them shut tight. I get my oxygen absorbers on Amazon from Wallaby, I just dig this brand because they’ve always worked for me. And then I used this is the Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer I have two of, lol – cheap and they work.
How long did the freeze dried pears take?
So it was these lemon slices, two trays of sliced pears, pineapple, and kiwi. The whole bunch of it took 40 hours.
Two hour defrost was needed after this batch, so I did that. I keep my drain line just duct taped to the inside of my bucket, so I always have to check to make sure it didn’t come loose and slip out of the bucket before starting the defrost, ha!
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried pears, like the apples, are awesome! These were actually chopped up and given to us by hubby’s parents, pre-frozen in ziplock bags. So I barely had to do anything, which makes them even better! I ate some, gave the rest back to them. They really dig the FD stuff!
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) March 19, 2024