Freeze dried raw eggs – yay!

Totally amazed how well the freeze dried raw eggs came out!

Freeze drying raw eggs is awesome for so so many reasons…

So here we are, at our 16th freeze dryer batch, and we’re doing raw eggs! This is so cool..

  • super space saver – a few small jars takes up way less space than a bunch of cartons or gigantic jars of water glassed eggs
  • multipurpose – can be used in recipes, or to just make scrambled eggs
  • long shelf life – like other freeze dried foods, these can last years and years if stored properly

For the eggs, I managed to get 72 of them into the five Harvest Right Home Pro Medium freeze dryer trays. First, I washed all the eggs since they’re from our chickens and don’t come out of the hens pre-washed, lol. Then I cracked them and blended them, one 18-pack at a time. Using a blender, my eggs did get a bit bubbly. After I posted a photo, someone said he uses an immersion blender to help minimize bubbles, but also that they won’t hurt anything. I hadn’t even thought of that. But the blender worked, so onward!

I then poured them into the trays.. and here’s where I was stupid. Someone on X (formerly Twitter) did tell me to put the trays in the machine AND THEN add the egg. Like pull them out a bit and pour it in. Smart! So of course I did not do that, lol. I put 3/4 of the eggs into the trays and then remembered what she told me and thought ah… crap!

So I very carefully carried the trays over to the machine and put them in. Then for the last blender full of egg, I did pull the trays out just a bit and poured it in, adding to what was already in each one. Next time I will put the trays in the machine BEFORE adding any egg!!!!

Then I hit Start on the Ice Queen and let her do her thing. I was told the eggs will take somewhere around 24 to 30 hours to finish. So we shall see..

18 washed eggs
eggs in the freeze dryer trays before freeze drying
egg cartons versus bags of freeze dried eggs

Freeze dried raw eggs are DONE!

So.. how are the freeze dried eggs? They were awesome! I legit could not tell the difference between them and right out the chickens’ butts when I scrambled them up. The reconstitution info I got from others nailed it.. I did 2 Tbsp of powdered egg for 2 Tbsp of water to make one egg. For my meal (video of mixing and cooking below), I did 4 Tbsp of each to make two eggs.. so 1/4 cup of powdered egg plus 1/4 cup of water. The mixture was perfection!

How long did freeze drying 72 raw eggs actually take?

I was told to expect the eggs to take about 24 to 30 hours.. that was spot on! The freeze dryer stopped at 27 hours and 45 minutes. I took a look and got kinda nervous they may not be all the way done, so I added an 2 hours of extra dry time. This brought the total time to 29 hours and 45 minutes. Though thinking back, they were probably done the first time, lol.

I put most of the powdered eggs into mylar bags with oxygen absorbers, saving some out in a jar to try cooking and see how it goes:) I use Wallaby for most of my mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. I like their stuff:)

Defrost was required, so I did the full two hours after the eggs were done.

Happy freeze drying!!

Raw eggs right out of the freeze dryer!


Freeze dried raw eggs scrambled!