Freeze dried Red Hots

Hmmm… freeze dried Red Hots. Now that they’re in, I’m thinking nope.

Funny, it only took about 5 minutes for me to think these probably won’t work.

So, yeah. I’m now thinking these will probably be a lot like the Twizzlers, and do absolutely nothing, lol. They’re kid of the same type of candy as the Twizzlers (ish, anyway), so I’m managing my expectations by assuming they’ll do lots of nothing.

We used Candy Mode on the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) for these. I did do the tray warming, but not an extended one or anything. These went in the freeze dryer with Sugar Babies and Lemonheads.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and be totally wrong in thinking they’ll do nothing. We shall see!

bag of Red Hots candies
Sugar Babies, Red Hots, and Lemonheads on freeze dryer trays before going in

These are exactly the same, hahaha!

Just like the Twizzlers… the Red Hots did absolutely nothing in the freeze dryer. They are 100% the same coming out of the Ice Queen as they were going in, lol. I will not be doing these again, obviously. But now I won’t wonder about them anymore, so still a solid win in my book!

How long did the freeze dried Red Hots take?

As with all the other candies I’ve freeze dried, they took three hours. Pretty standard for candies 🙂

Happy freeze drying!!

freeze dried Red Hots