We love Rolos, and I’m guessing freeze dried Rolos will be AWESOME!
I’m excited for this one 
Hubby found bags of already unwrapped Rolos, if you can believe that! So for our freeze dried Rolos, the time spent getting them prepped will be cut down so so much having them already unwrapped. Brilliant!
Like other candies, I did Candy Mode on the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) for this. I cut each Rolo in half and made sure there was space for them. Other candies with any sort of caramel-ish centers always seem to expand a lot, lol.
I think for these, we’ll call them Frolos.. you know, for freeze dried Rolos. I know, I know, we’re mad creative over here, ha!

These are good, but could be better, lol.
When they first came out, the freeze dried Rolos were a bit crispy and the chocolate a bit melty, and they were delicious!! After giving the chocolate some time to set and not be gooey, the Rolos were no longer crunchy. They still taste amazing, as Rolos do, but they’re not awesomely crunchy like I was hoping for. We’ll eat them for sure, but they’re not going to be sold at market. Aside from them being kind of a meh texture, the chocolate would also melt at market. While I’m ok using a cooler for things like our freeze dried Snickers, these aren’t awesome enough to warrant the extra effort, lol.
Three hours again.. candy mode.
That’s right! Since it’s candy and we used candy mode, these were done in three hours. I also had some Milk Duds and Bit-O-Honey in there with the Rolos.
No defrost since there wasn’t much ice built up. I just left the drain valve open and let it melt on its own.
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried Rolos are yummy (duh, Rolos rock), but they could be better. The slight crunch in the video is really all the crunch a piece gets. From there, just chewy. I dig them, but they’d be better totally crunchy, so I’m a bit disappointed. Won’t bother selling them lol. pic.twitter.com/47RqGkcF85
— Buck Hills Farm (@BuckHillsFarm) May 31, 2024