I’ve not yet done carrots on their own..
So lets make some freeze dried sliced carrots!
The carrots I used for this were already frozen, I got bags of frozen veggies on super sale, so I bought several different things. I have freeze dried carrots before, but only in a veggie mixture, and those weren’t sliced like these are. So this is the first time I’ll be doing freeze dried sliced carrots on their own!
This batch was just one tray of these sliced carrots, two trays of spinach, one tray of corn, and one tray of green beans. All of them were bags of frozen veggies at the store. And I was sure to check to make sure no bioengineered stuff.. let’s try to stay away from that, ha! After the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) did her 15 minute cooldown to start, I started the batch.
I did put two full bags on the tray, spread it out as best I could. Hope it does awesome.

The sliced carrots came out awesome!
So freeze dried sliced carrots are a definite win! I will use these in casseroles and soups and things whenever I need them
Bonus – the dogs really dig them too! Healthy dog treats are something I’m always after, so it’s rad to see they like these!
I put all the freeze dried sliced carrots into a half gallon mason jar (saved some out to just try, too). Then I added an oxygen absorber and vacuum sealed them shut tight. I get my oxygen absorbers on Amazon from Wallaby, I just dig this brand because they’ve always worked for me. And then I used this is the Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer I have two of, lol – cheap and they work.
How long did the freeze dried slice carrots take?
The carrots, corn, green beans, and two trays of spinach took 30 hours and 45 minutes.
Ran the pre-programmed 2 hour defrost and then left the door cracked after that was finished and good to go!
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried sliced carrots, so good, and so useful to have around. And these are all fancy cut
So pretty lol. Got a little spinach on them, which was in the same batch lol. I just love freeze drying things!!
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) March 20, 2024