Not sure freeze dried Sugar Babies will be any different than usual…
But let’s give them a shot anyway, lol.
I really like Sugar Babies. They’re one of those candies that I usually forget about. But then when I randomly see them and buy some, I remember just how much I enjoy them!
Since they’re pretty small, I did not cut them up. I just put two boxes on a freeze dryer tray, and in they went. The I put the candies in the Ice Queen (Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) on Candy Mode, I did go ahead and do tray warming, but only the default shortened time, which takes just a few minutes. These went in with Red Hots and Lemonheads.
I am really unsure if anything different will even happen freeze drying these, so we shall see

Ok, I don’t know what the heck happened here.
In the video below, they’re all soft. So they basically got softer. But also, when I ate a few more, some are CRUNCHY! So what in the world happened? I have no idea why some are softer than the originals and some came out crunchy. These will definitely need to be done again. Maybe baking them first… or doing a batch of just these and doing the tray warming thing for longer. But them coming out two different ways in the same batch is just weird!! So eventually there will be Freeze Dried Sugar Babies 2.0 hahahaha!
How long did the freeze dried Sugar Babies take?
I ran them for 3 hours, like the other candies I’ve done. Three hours seems to be the best way to go for pretty much all candies.
Happy freeze drying!!

Freeze dried Sugar Babies!! So this video shows they got softer. BUT THEN.. some were CRUNCHY!! The crunchy is totally awesome, but I’m not sure why some got crunchy and some just got softer, so weird! Next time I’ll get lots and do a batch of just these. Either bake first or do…
— Buck Hills Farm (@BuckHillsFarm) April 25, 2024