Homemade freeze dried vegetable bullion is so much better than I imagined!
The making of veggie mush for freeze dried vegetable bullion
Our 11th batch, how exciting!!! This one took a while to get situated, as I first had to make vegetable mash. I don’t like to waste food and I don’t always want to compost it or give it all to the chickens. So instead, I keep bags labeled “veggie scraps” in my freezer at all times. Whenever I have things like ends of celery, end pieces of onion, etc., I toss it in one of the bags and leave it until I’m ready to make something.
For this, I had tons of different veggies! I had broccoli, onion (sweet, red, and white at least lol), celery, carrot, green bean ends, and whatever else was in those bags. It was a nice variety!
I dumped all the frozen vegetable scraps into a stockpot (I used this 8-quart stockpot), added minimal water, and let it simmer on the stove for several hours. I stirred it every once in a while, but I had it on pretty low heat, so it didn’t need much stirring.
After a few hours, I dumped it all into a blender and blended up really well. Then I put it back in the stockpot and let it simmer for about another hour. It smelled so amazing!!!
Once I felt like it was finished enough, I took it off heat and let it cool down a bit. Then I put it in the fridge to get colder. If I had a second set of freeze dryer trays, I would have pre-frozen it. However, the ones I ordered haven’t arrived yet. Wish I had ordered a second set at the same time I got the Ice Queen, lol.
I then put it in the freeze dryer (a Harvest Right Home Pro Medium) and let her do her magic!

Amazed at how well this freeze dried vegetable bullion turned out!!!
Ok, seriously blown away with this stuff. It turned out so awesome!
When I pulled it out of the freeze dryer, it came out in big chunks lol. So I put the chunks in the blender and it turned into a nice powder. I then put it into 12oz jars, added an oxygen absorber to each jar, and vacuum sealed them all.
Perfection! It tasted great! I’m beyond thrilled!
So how long did it take to freeze dry vegetable bullion paste?
The Ice Queen took 13 hours and 15 minutes to get this stuff done. Not too bad. Defrosting was required after this, so I did the 2 hour defrost after it was finished. This is definitely a great way to minimize some food waste and have your own homemade bullion!
Happy freeze drying!!
Vegetable bullion is DONE!
Ice Queen is defrosting now, then on to something elsepic.twitter.com/TIkiX97rkv
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) January 8, 2024