Freeze drying onions & bell peppers – finally something fun!
I love onions & bell peppers!
And what better way to store them than freeze dried in vacuum sealed jars?!
This one was so very exciting! I use onions and bell peppers all the time, so I already had a bunch of them chopped up small and in the freezer together. This worked out perfectly, as there was zero prep work for this batch:)
All I did was pull out the bags of chopped up stuff, bash it a little to break it up, and laid it out as evenly as I could on the freeze dryer trays. Then I put it in!

They turned out great!
Freeze drying onions and bell peppers worked so so well. I am super impressed with how they turned out!
When they came out of the freeze dryer, I put them into mason jars, added an oxygen absorber (I get mine from Wallaby), and used a jar sealer to finish the job. I then labeled them and put them on my shelf.
The time it took me to freeze dry onions & bell peppers..
From start to finish, freeze drying onions and bell peppers took 17 hours and 30 minutes. I also needed to defrost the Harvest Right freeze dryer afterwards, which took about two hours. Not bad for shelf stable items that I will definitely use all the time!
This is the Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer I have. I’m considering getting another one, either this brand or a different one, just so I have two. Some people have huge vacuum sealers that can do multiple jars at once! And while that is rad, I don’t have the funds to get one at the moment, hahaha!
Happy freeze drying!!