Freeze dryer oil changes are super easy!
We have the Premier Oil Pump, so we change the oil every 20-30 batches
Every 20 to 30 batches isn’t bad for a freeze dryer oil change! Other pumps have different requirements when it comes to oil changes, so make sure you follow the instructions for the pump you have.
I’m currently at 27 total batches, four of which were candy. So I decided it was time to change the oil. The Harvest Right owner’s manual says the machine will tell you it’s time to change the oil after 20 batches – I did not see that on the screen at all. So… that’s not a thing I guess..? lol. Good thing I’m keeping track!
I have the Harvest Right Home Pro Medium, and I just followed the instructions:)

Harvest right freeze dryer oil change instructions:
- Unhook hose to the freeze dryer.
- Run the pump for one minute (not longer) so the oil is a bit warm for changing. To run the pump, you have to turn it off, unplug it from the freeze dryer, and plug it into a wall plug. Then turn it back on and run it for one minute.
- Open the oil drain plug and let the oil flow into an appropriate vessel or into the filter system Harvest Right sells. You need to tip the oil pump forward just a little bit to make sure it all comes out, but don’t tip it too much. For this first oil change, we decided not to filter it, and instead just use brand new oil again. Next time, we will filter it, as our oil looked perfectly clear!
- When it’s finished draining, close the drain valve.
- Unscrew the oil demister (the big black thing on top), and add oil. The oil should be filled to slightly above the middle line. Don’t go too quickly when pouring the oil in… it will look like nothing is happening on the oil gauge, then it’ll rise really fast all of a sudden, lol. We filled ours a little more than we wanted to this time. It wasn’t over the max line, but it was still more than we wanted. Now we know for next time. After it’s full, sure the demister back on.
- Reconnect the hose to the freeze dryer, plug it back in to the freeze dryer, make sure the gas ballast is open, and turn it on. You’re done!
Awesome to know how quick this process is! It took us under 10 minutes, and we were filming, hahaha!
Happy Oil Changing!!

We changed the oil in our freeze dryer! It took under 10 minutes & we were filming lol. We did not filter it this time, but will next time.. it was pretty dang clear! Filled a bit more than wanted (still under max), but it goes quick when it starts showing ha. So quick & easy!!
— Buck Hills Farm (@buck_hills_farm) February 11, 2024