What we do

So.. Buck Hills Farm.. what we do..

All the things. Lol, I wish we had time to do even an eighth of the things we want! We’re really just getting going, and things are moving slowly.

We have chickens… just enough to totally cover our needs and have some left over. The current plan is to set up a nice spot for goats and get some of them soon 🙂

We grow things… mainly cucumbers, Roma tomatoes, and watermelons. This year, however, we plan to expand that. We’re in the market for some apple, peach, and plum trees. We’re also looking for some good blueberry, raspberry, and strawberry bushes/plants. And don’t even get me started on grapes… I would love to grow grapes. And supposedly this area is awesome for that! Not sure we’ll hit grapes this year, but definitely soon(ish).

We freeze dry things… locally or personally grown produce and herbs, candies, etc. We freeze dry and sell all sorts of random things. Even Peeps at Easter, lol.

We write and publish our own recipes… all on this site. They’re free, there’s no long story about how my meemaw cut her arm off and peepaw had to save her during a hail storm so now we make soup every Tuesday. There’s a blurb after the recipe instead, lol. Each one should be printable, should you want to save a copy.

Want to learn more about what we do?

Check out these other pages with more information 🙂